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``Our machines are built for the ambitious, for the local manufacturer, for the dedicated men and women who are passionate about keeping their production lines simple, robust, and operational.``

Rudy Barroso - Founder


Built for the ambitious.

Prospr values people and productivity. All you want is something that is simple, works and is affordable, right?

The Original PROSPR

CIJ (Continuous Inkjet). California design with American and German parts.

8 Line Single Head Machine.

Spacing is important for versatility and print quality. Prospr can print logos, barcodes, and qrcodes.

Touch Screen-3 Taps to Start.

Simplicity is a priority. Turn on, pick a message. Start. That’s it.

No Passcodes. No Ink Chips.

Save money. No more headaches. No extra costs.

1 Year Warranty

Anything defective on the machine, you’re covered.

Accessories Included

Stand Wagon, Versatility Head Mount, Photo- Optic Sensor, and Ink and Solvent installed.

40% Savings

Over 40% in savings with Ink, Solvent, and PM yearly costs compared to other major CIJ brands.


TIJ (Thermal Inkjet). Simple, small, and easy to install.

1 Inch Print Cartridge.

Spacing is important for versatility and print quality. Prospr can print logos, barcodes, and qrcodes.

Touch Screen

Simplicity is a priority. Turn on, pick a message. Start. That’s it.

Zero Machine Maintenance

Save money. No more headaches. No extra costs.

1 Year Warranty

Anything defective on the machine, you’re covered.

Accessories Included

Versatility Head Mount, Photo- Optic Sensor, and 2 Ink Cartridges.

25% Savings

Over 25% in savings with cartridges costs compared to other major TIJ brands.

get ready

mark ambitiously!

About Us

PROSPR is a family owned product identification company that supplies and services CIJ (continuous inkjet) and TIJ (thermal inkjet) date coding technology in California, USA.

Los Angeles, California, USA
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