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You can call, order, and troubleshoot anytime, anywhere, 24/7.

The American Go-Getter

For over 30 years we have kept our promise of giving you same-day on-site or over-the-phone service.

The PROSPR legacy began in 1991 in Los Angeles, California, when Rudy Barroso saw a need in family owned manufacturing companies for a trustful and responsive product identification service. Rudy, inspired by his family values and the promise of opportunity, started a date coding service with a philosophy that each machine be built for the ambitious, the local manufacturer, and for the dedicated men and women passionate about keeping their production lines simple, robust, and operational. PROSPR is a family, a team, and a machine, dedicated to those who mark ambitiously.

Slide a Los Angeles a San Diego a a Riverside san francisco a a California, USA In 1991 in Los Angeles, California, Rudy Barroso saw a need in family owned manufacturing companies for a trustful and responsive product identification service. Los Angeles San Diego
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Open 24/7

Call anytime. We don't have phone operators, just engineers with phones.

We don’t believe In “Closing Hours”. You can call, order, and troubleshoot anytime, anywhere, 24/7.

Speak with a Technician


About Us

PROSPR is a family owned product identification company that supplies and services CIJ (continuous inkjet) and TIJ (thermal inkjet) date coding technology in California, USA.

Los Angeles, California, USA
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